General Secretariat

The General Secretariat is assigned the following tasks:

Managing the university staff careers in accordance with the attributions conferred to the faculty and institute in this regard;

Preparing the university draft budget and supervising its implementation;

Monitoring the funding of laboratory activities and research units;

Ensuring the proper running of the university Common Services;

Developing and promoting the university programs pertaining to cultural and sport activities;

Monitoring and coordinating the university internal safety plans, in coordination with the Ministry’s Office for Internal Safety;

Managing and keeping the Rectorate archives and documentation;

Ensuring the proper running and management of the University Office Order.

The General Secretariat, to which the General Office Order and the Internal Safety Office are attached, consists of the following sub-directorates:

1. Sub-directorate of Staff and Training:

It is responsible for:
- Managing the staff careers within the Rectorate, the university and the common services, as well as those appointed by the Rector;
- Developing and implementing the plans of training and development for university administrative, technical and service staffs;
- Managing the university staff and ensuring their harmonious distribution between faculties, institutes and branches;
- Coordinating and developing plans for human resources management.
This Sub-directorate includes the following services:
• Service of teaching staff;
• Service of administrative, technical and services’ Staff;
• Service of training and staff development.

2. Sub-directorate of Finance and Accounting:

It is responsible for:
- Preparing the University draft budget on the basis of the proposals made by Deans, Directors of Institutes and Branches;
- Monitoring the university budget implementation;
- Preparing and monitoring the implementation of assignments of funds to Deans, Directors of Institutes and Branches;
- Following up the funding of research activities carried out by the laboratories and units;
- Improving the university accounting;
This sub-directorate is composed of the following services:
• Service of budget and accounting;
• Service of research activities funding;
• Service of management control and procurements.

3. Sub-directorate of Resources and Maintenance:

It is responsible for:
- Providing Rectorate institutions and common services with operating resources;
- Maintaining the movable and immovable property of the Rectorate and common services;
- Keeping inventory records;
- Keeping and maintaining university archives;
- Ensuring the management of the Rectorate vehicle fleet;

This sub-directorate is composed of the following services:
• Service of resources and inventory;
• Service of maintenance;
• Service of archives.

4. Sub-directorate of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities:

It is responsible for:
- Promoting and developing scientific and cultural activities for students;
- Planning recreational activities;
- Supporting sports activities as part of the university sports program;
- Carrying out social activities for the benefit of university staff;

This sub-directorate is composed of the following services:
• Service of scientific and cultural activities;
• Service of sports and recreational activities.

5 -Les Services Communs :

Les services communs au service de toutes les structures de l’Université sont:

The University’s Common Services consist of the following:
- Centre of Language Intensive Teaching.
- Centre of Printing and Audiovisual ;
- Centre of Computing Systems and Networks, E-learning and Distance Learning;
- Central Library.