Application file for Final Diploma:
- Handwritten application
- Birth Certificate
- Copy of the Interim Certificate of Success
Withdrawal file of Final Diploma:
- Original Copy of the report card of Baccalaureate
- Report cards of the 4 years (for the classical system diplomas)or the ones of the 3 years (for LMD system diplomas)
- Report cards of the 2 years for Master’s diploma.
- Defense minutes in which the year of graduation is mentioned.
Conditions of Ministry authentication of documents:
1. For Bachelor’s Degrees :
• Copy of Baccalaureate report card.
• Report cards’ original copies of the 3 years (for LMD system diplomas),or the ones for the 4 years (for the classical system).
• Original copy of the Interim Certificate of Success ,or Final Diploma to authenticate.
2- For Master’s Degree:
• Original copies of the 2 years report cards.
• Original copy of the Interim Certificate of Success ,or the original copy the Final Diploma.
3- For Magister’s Degree:
- Original copy of the Interim Certificate of Success
- Report cards.
- These defense minutes and these defense decision.
- Decision of the creation of the specialty.
4- For PHD:
- Original copy of the Interim Certificate of Success ,or the original copy the Final Diploma.
- These defense minutes and these defense decision
- At least four (4) enrolments (4 school certificates).
Conditions of first enrolment at the University:
1- For Bachelor’s Degree students:
• The original copy of the Baccalaureate.
• Birth certificate.
• Two (2) identity photos
• Postal money order.
2- For Master’ students:
- Report cards of the 3 years (for LMD system diplomas)or the ones of the 4 years (for the classical system diplomas).
- Original copy of the Baccalaureate report card
- Copy of the Bachelor’s degree
- Birth certificate.
- Postal money order.
- Descriptive appendix of the diploma (L.M.D system Bachelor’s degree).
Conditions of reenrollment in Bachelor’s degree and Baccalaureate:
- Copy of the report cards of the previous year.
- Postal money order.